My new desktop showed up with Internet Explorer 11 and Windows 7 Enterprise. When I went to run my MineSight multirun (basically a batch file with a GUI front end that our mine planning vendor provides) the file fetch from our SharePoint site didn't work. A little googling led me to Selenium.
As is often the case, I am wayyyy late to the party here. I remember Selenium from Pycon 2010 in Atlanta because they gave us a nice mug with new string formatting on it that I use frequently (both the mug and the formatting):
I was at Pycon 2010 . . . and I have the mug to prove it.
My project manager/boss at the time, Eric, seeing me gush over the string formatting commands, did his usual button-pushing exercise by commenting, "I don't know; why didn't they put something on there like 'from pot import coffee'?" People, y'know?
Back to Selenium - I was able to get what I needed from it with some research and downloading. The steps are basically:
Back to Selenium - I was able to get what I needed from it with some research and downloading. The steps are basically:
1) Download IEDriverServer.exe
2) Put the executable in a location in your path.
3) Download Python Selenium Bindings and follow the install instructions. I went the Python 3.4 route (versus the Python 2.7 that comes with MineSight) - personal preference on my part.
4) Make sure your Internet Explorer environment/application is set up in a way that won't cause you problems. I could try to describe this, but this blog post from a Selenium developer does it so much better (complete with screenshots): When Microsoft talks about "zones" and IE Protected Mode, the zones refer to things like "Trusted Sites," company web, external internet, etc. - all those have to be set to protected mode or things won't work and you'll get a fairly cryptic error message when the script crashes.
4) Make sure your Internet Explorer environment/application is set up in a way that won't cause you problems. I could try to describe this, but this blog post from a Selenium developer does it so much better (complete with screenshots): When Microsoft talks about "zones" and IE Protected Mode, the zones refer to things like "Trusted Sites," company web, external internet, etc. - all those have to be set to protected mode or things won't work and you'll get a fairly cryptic error message when the script crashes.
For my example, I was able to comment out some of the things I need to do within the MineSight multirun. The DOS window hangs and IEDriverServer stays open within the MineSight multirun and app - I hacked this problem by killing it with an os.system() call. Whatever it takes.
I couldn't efficiently get the script to recognize HTML tag names, so I hacked that with text processing. This is bad, but effective.
The code:
Get text from site via Internet Explorer.
Get text from site via Internet Explorer.
INST = 'instructions.txt'
# For killing process inside Multirun.
# import os
# import os
from time import sleep as slpx
from selenium import webdriver
# XXX - hack - had difficulty getting
# things by tag - text processed it.
PRETAG = '<pre>'
# things by tag - text processed it.
PRETAG = '<pre>'
PRETAGCLOSE = '</pre>'
# Seconds to pause at end.
INSTR = 'instructions.txt'
INSTR = 'instructions.txt'
# XXX - may not matter (\r versus \n), in all cases
# but for numbers in multirun, makeshift chomp
# processing made a difference.
# but for numbers in multirun, makeshift chomp
# processing made a difference.
RETCHAR = '\r'
# Hack to shutdown DOS window.
# TASKKILL = 'taskkill /im IEDriverServer.exe /F'
def getbody(url):
Given the website address (url),
returns inner HTML text stripped of tags.
browser = webdriver.Ie()
text = browser.page_source
text = text[(text.index(PRETAG) + PRETAGLEN):]
text = text[:(text.index(PRETAGCLOSE))]
text = text.split(RETCHAR)
[x.strip() for x in text]
return text
Given the website address (url),
returns inner HTML text stripped of tags.
browser = webdriver.Ie()
text = browser.page_source
text = text[(text.index(PRETAG) + PRETAGLEN):]
text = text[:(text.index(PRETAGCLOSE))]
text = text.split(RETCHAR)
[x.strip() for x in text]
return text
textii = getbody(INSTRUCTIONS)
print('\nDealing with writing of instructions file . . .\n')
textii = ''.join(textii)
f = open(INSTR, 'w')
print('\nDealing with writing of instructions file . . .\n')
textii = ''.join(textii)
f = open(INSTR, 'w')
print('Instructions copied.')
print('\nPausing {:d} seconds . . .\n'.format(PAUSE))
# XXX - can't get window to close in Multirun (MXPERT) - CBT 23MAR2015
# os.system(TASKKILL)