Sunday, January 31, 2010

Python Modules for the BSD's

Well, for FreeBSD and OpenBSD, at least.  I can't yet vouch for NetBSD and Dragonfly BSD.

First, FreeBSD - the port is named py-freebsd.  Once built, the module can be imported with "import freebsd".

[carl@pcbsd]/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages(158)% python
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Jun 24 2009, 23:31:28)
[GCC 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]] on freebsd7
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import freebsd
>>> dir(freebsd)
['__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__version__', 'chflags', 'const', 'fchflags', 'fstatfs', 'geom_getxml', 'getfsent', 'getfsfile', 'getfsspec', 'getfsstat', 'gethostname', 'getloadavg', 'getlogin', 'getosreldate', 'getpriority', 'getprogname', 'getpwent', 'getpwnam', 'getpwuid', 'getquota', 'getrlimit', 'getrusage', 'ifstats', 'ipstats', 'jail', 'kevent', 'kqueue', 'ktrace', 'lchflags', 'quotaoff', 'quotaon', 'quotasync', 'reboot', 'sendfile', 'sethostname', 'setlogin', 'setpriority', 'setproctitle', 'setprogname', 'setquota', 'setrlimit', 'statfs', 'sysctl', 'sysctldescr', 'sysctlmibtoname', 'sysctlnametomib', 'tcpstats', 'udpstats']

Not a bad collection of utilities.  Let's take a couple for a test drive:

>>> freebsd.gethostname()

>>> freebsd.getprogname()
>>> help(freebsd.jail)  
Help on built-in function jail in module freebsd:

jail(path, hostname, ip_number):
The jail() system call sets up a jail and locks the current process
in it. The ``path'' should be set to the directory which is to be
the root of the prison. The ``hostname'' can be set to the hostname
of the prison. This can be changed from the inside of the prison.
The ``ip_number'' can be set to the IP number assigned to the prison.

>>> # wow, you can set up a jail with python

>>> freebsd.ifstats()
>>> >>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(_)
{'bge0': {'addrlen': 6,
'baudrate': 100000000L,
'collisions': 0L,
'flags': 34883,
'hdrlen': 14,
'hwassist': 7L,
'ibytes': 19222590L,
'ierrors': 0L,
'imcasts': 577L,
'ipackets': 19728L,
'iqdrops': 0L,
'metric': 0L,
'mtu': 1500L,
'name': 'bge0',
'noproto': 0L,
'obytes': 2009038L,
'oerrors': 0L,
'omcasts': 0L,
'opackets': 13285L,
'pcount': 0,
'physical': 0,
'snd_drops': 0,
'snd_len': 0,
'snd_maxlen': 511,
'type': 6},

bge0 is the ethernet device on my Thinkpad.

>>> freebsd.getlogin()
>>> freebsd.tcpstats()
>>> pprint.pprint(_)
{'accepts': 0L,
'badsyn': 0L,
'cachedrtt': 147L,
'cachedrttvar': 150L,
'cachedssthresh': 4L,
'closed': 495L,
'connattempt': 360L,
'conndrops': 20L,
'connects': 340L,
'delack': 277L,
'drops': 22L,
'keepdrops': 0L,
'keepprobe': 0L,
'keeptimeo': 0L,
'listendrop': 0L,
'mturesent': 0L,
'pawsdrop': 0L,
'persistdrop': 0L,
'persisttimeo': 0L,
'predack': 0L,
'preddat': 15226L,
'rcvackbyte': 1093284L,
'rcvackpack': 1848L,
'rcvacktoomuch': 0L,
'rcvafterclose': 7L,
'rcvbadoff': 0L,
'rcvbadsum': 0L,
'rcvbyte': 16595286L,
'rcvbyteafterwin': 0L,
'rcvdupack': 232L,
'rcvdupbyte': 88723L,
'rcvduppack': 77L,
'rcvoobyte': 1015050L,
'rcvoopack': 919L,
'rcvpack': 15882L,
'rcvpackafterwin': 0L,
'rcvpartdupbyte': 525L,
'rcvpartduppack': 2L,
'rcvshort': 0L,
'rcvtotal': 18489L,
'rcvwinprobe': 0L,
'rcvwinupd': 3L,
'rexmttimeo': 118L,
'rttupdated': 1817L,
'sc_aborted': 0L,
'sc_added': 0L,
'sc_badack': 0L,
'sc_bucketoverflow': 0L,
'sc_cacheoverflow': 0L,
'sc_completed': 0L,
'sc_dropped': 0L,
'sc_dupsyn': 0L,
'sc_recvcookie': 0L,
'sc_reset': 0L,
'sc_retransmitted': 0L,
'sc_sendcookie': 0L,
'sc_stale': 0L,
'sc_unreach': 0L,
'sc_zonefail': 0L,
'segstimed': 1688L,
'sndacks': 9261L,
'sndbyte': 1098259L,
'sndctrl': 697L,
'sndpack': 1252L,
'sndprobe': 0L,
'sndrexmitbyte': 2252L,
'sndrexmitpack': 2L,
'sndtotal': 12381L,
'sndurg': 0L,
'sndwinup': 1169L,
'timeoutdrop': 9L}

22 drops, 9 of them timeouts, and a bunch of other stuff too.

Enough for today.  Next time we'll take a quick look at the Python module for OpenBSD.

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